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Take your design and make it reality. Housing an expansive range of different fabrication options including 5-axis CNC, laser cutting, welding, stamping and much more, we have access to manufacture almost any shape imaginable from most commercial and industrial materials. We employ state-of-the-art technology in order to meet the complexity, accuracy and quantity challenges.
From quality products to quality people, our mission is to provide you with the best customer experience. With the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 certification, we conform with one of the highest standards of quality regiments and have achieved consecutive awards as supplier of the year. We pride ourselves on the mindset that quality control is integrated throughout the entire process for the best possible outcome.
A service that takes you from start to finish all from the one place. We can handle almost any project size - from a single prototype to a fully-automated production line. We distribute both locally and worldwide, straight to your doorstep. We keep you in the communication loop, every step of the way, to find new ways to improve and add value to your products, for the ultimate confidence and competitive edge.
Total Tooling Co. Pty. Ltd. was established in 1983 and has been servicing Australian and global manufacturing needs for over 40 years. Based in Victoria, the company is three factories large, employ over 80 people and have amassed a collection of machines which are capable of supporting production and prototyping needs of various scales. We pride ourselves on stringent quality and customer satisfaction.
Total Tooling has consistently continued to grow its client network and has expanded in acquiring and servicing MDK Toolmakers and TJ Carey parts and services.
If your business has growing manufacturing needs, call to inquire for a free site tour.
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For even faster turn around, attach your 3D data or drawing to info@totaltooling.com.au. (For file sizes larger than 10Mb, please send us a link to a DropBox, Google Drive or similar storage cloud facility)
For any inquiries, questions or comments, please call: +61 3 9761 5322 or fill out the following form
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To apply for a job with Total Tooling Co., please send a cover letter together with your C.V. to: info@totaltooling.com.au
Trading Hours
7:00am - 3:30pm
7:00am - 3:30pm
7:00am - 3:30pm
7:00am - 3:30pm
7:00am - 1:00pm
Please note, we do not operate on weekends or public holidays.